The movie begins "a few bear years ago" in Peru, where young Paddington is attempting to grab an orange from a branch that's not very stable. Unfortunately, he tumbles into a ravine and is carried away by the rushing water, but Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton) rescues him and later adopts him.
Fast forward to the present day, Paddington (Ben Whishaw) is now a proud British citizen and is penning a letter to Aunt Lucy, who resides at the Home for Retired Bears in Peru. He updates her (and the audience) on the Brown family: Henry (Hugh Bonneville) has a new boss, Madison (Hayley Atwell), who encourages him to take more risks at work. Mary (Emily Mortimer) has taken up painting but feels the family isn't as close as they used to be. Judy (Madeleine Harris) is preparing for university, which is a tough adjustment for Mary. Jonathan (Samuel Joslin) is using his creativity mainly to make life easier for himself so he can enjoy video games. Meanwhile, Mrs. Bird (Julie Walters) is busy checking items off her personal to-do list.
Paddington in Peru Where to Watch
Paddington receives a letter from the Reverend Mother (Olivia Colman), who oversees the Home for Retired Bears. She mentions that Aunt Lucy has been acting a bit odd lately because she misses him. Concerned for Aunt Lucy, Paddington expresses his desire to visit her. Mary sees this trip to Peru as a wonderful chance for the family to reconnect, and although Henry is initially hesitant, he eventually warms up to the idea when he realizes it could help him take those necessary risks.
Paddington visits Mr. Gruber’s shop to share news about their upcoming trip. While there, he spots a bear-shaped statue that makes him feel a bit uneasy.
After telling Aunt Lucy about their plans, the family sets off, and the nuns prepare for Paddington’s visit with a cheerful song. Once they immerse themselves in some Peruvian culture, the Browns arrive at the Home for Retired Bears, only to learn from Reverend Mother that Aunt Lucy has mysteriously vanished. All that remains are her glasses and a cherished bracelet, which Paddington decides to wear. He also discovers a map indicating a place called Rumi Rock, where he believes Aunt Lucy might be located.
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The Browns meet boat captain Hunter Cabot and his daughter Gina, but when Rumi Rock is mentioned, Gina warns her father against going there, sensing danger ahead. Paddington, however, pleads with them to help him find Aunt Lucy. Hunter shares stories about his family's past, while Henry tries to capture vacation photos to impress his colleagues. In a private moment, Hunter experiences a vision of his ancestor, Gonzalo Caboto, urging him to seek out Rumi Rock. Meanwhile, Mrs. Bird remains at the Home for Retired Bears, struggling to reach the family. The Reverend Mother dismisses the electrical issues as anything “suspicious,” but Mrs. Bird starts to keep a watchful eye.
During dinner, Hunter reveals that Rumi Rock is believed to be the gateway to El Dorado, the legendary lost city of gold. The only way to enter is with a special talisman, which is conveniently attached to Aunt Lucy’s bracelet that Paddington is now wearing. However, many explorers who sought El Dorado have never returned, having encountered Los Espiritus Del Bosque, the spirits of the forest. As the Browns settle in for the night, Gina urges her father to turn the boat around, fearing that the quest for El Dorado could lead to disaster. He seems to consider her request.
The Browns wake up without realizing their guides are missing. Paddington sets out to locate the Cabots but inadvertently steers the boat into treacherous waters. The family quickly grabs life jackets and manages to escape just as the boat capsizes. They find themselves lost in the jungle, with Paddington hoping to navigate them to Rumi Rock, where they might run into Hunter and Gina. As a storm brews, the family takes refuge in a tree. Paddington decides to venture out alone in search of help but soon becomes separated from the Browns.
Paddington in peru where to watch netflix
Paddington continues down the river until he spots a massive statue reminiscent of one from Mr. Gruber’s shop that has been haunting his dreams. Hunter emerges from behind the statue and joins Paddington. In a mishap, the bear accidentally sits on a prickly red plant, letting out a painful roar. He then hears another roar, which he believes is Aunt Lucy responding to him, as she once told him to roar if he ever got lost. Paddington keeps roaring and follows the sound.
Meanwhile, at home, Mrs. Bird trails the Reverend Mother to a hidden spot behind the organ. She discovers a room where the Reverend Mother is monitoring the Browns, having given Mary a St. Christopher medal equipped with a tracking device. Noticing that the Browns have strayed off their path, the Reverend Mother enlists Mrs. Bird to help as they set off to find them.
In the morning, the Browns wake up to discover that Paddington is missing, but they have been reunited with Gina. She shares with them the tale of her ancestors and their obsession with gold, starting with Gonzalo. He led his crew into starvation and despair in pursuit of wealth, only to find nothing at all. His descendants, all portrayed by Banderas, met similar fates, dying in foolish ways while chasing after a treasure that never existed. Hunter left Gina as a child to seek this treasure and has only recently returned to her life, but she worries he might suffer the same fate as his forebears.
Paddington and Hunter continue on their journey, with Hunter cutting the bridge behind him to prevent anyone from following. While Gina notices this, she and the Browns are soon joined by Mrs. Bird and the Reverend Mother. Paddington and Hunter reach the ruins of an Incan temple, where the bear realizes that the roars he heard were merely echoes of himself. They discover a slot that could allow Aunt Lucy’s bracelet talisman to unlock it, but when Hunter begins to lose control, Paddington flees, and they both find themselves escaping from a rolling boulder. Mrs. Bird attempts to land the plane, but they encounter an obstruction on the windshield. Henry bravely navigates past a large tarantula to access the landing gear, while Jonathan employs one of his gadgets to clear the blockage, enabling a rough but safe landing. In the chaos, Henry’s job manual flies out of the plane and accidentally strikes Hunter in the groin.
As the Browns rush to find Paddington, the Reverend Mother appears with Gina bound and holding an old musket, revealing herself to be Clarissa, Hunter’s cousin. She had seemingly vanished long ago while searching for the treasure herself. Clarissa demands that Hunter hand over the talisman so she can enter El Dorado, but he cleverly pulls a rope that swings a branch to knock her out, causing the visions of his greedy ancestors to fade away. The Browns then use the talisman to open the gates, where they are welcomed by the Forest Spirits, who turn out to be bears dressed in foliage.
After getting back home, Paddington decides to write another letter to Aunt Lucy, sharing all the updates since their return. Clarissa has been moved to the Arctic to pursue her dream of becoming a nun, living alongside polar bears. Meanwhile, Hunter and Gina are still enjoying their sailing adventures together. Henry received a promotion at work after captivating Madison with his travel stories. Mary has started a new art project that she's excited about. Jonathan is making a conscious effort to leave his room more often, showcasing his inventions at trade fairs. Judy has joined her university's school newspaper, diving into journalism. Mrs. Bird throws a disco party for the nuns and retired bears, bringing everyone together. Later, Paddington is visited by his bear family, and he takes them on a fun adventure around London.
As the credits roll, Paddington and the bears pay a visit to Phoenix Buchanan (Hugh Grant) in prison, where they have developed a friendly relationship. He proposes the idea of them joining him in a prison production of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” with him taking on the role of Goldilocks. When Phoenix learns they discovered El Dorado, he feels let down to find out that the “gold” is actually just oranges.